Visa Name : Australia Visitor Visa Subclass 600

If you are overseas and want to visit your friends or families in Australia, we will help you to apply for your tourist visa to Australia.

This is a temporary visa for people who wants to visit Australia or meet family in Australia or do some business-related tour in Australia. There are three streams under this category:

  • Tourist Stream: For people who want to come to Australia to visit their family or relatives or friends or general visit.
  • Family Stream: This visa is for people who have Australian citizenship or Australian permanent resident families or relatives in Australia and want to come to see them.
  • Business Stream: this is for people who want to visit Australia to explore business opportunities.






There are over 100 types of visas in Australia and you may be eligible for more than one visa in any given time. However, we help you to find the best visa for your specific circumstances:

  • We have counseled over 10,000 individuals from over 20 countries regarding Australian visas in the last five years and our people are the best in the industry.
  • We listen to you first and ask you as many questions as possible to have all information about you to assess the best visa types for you.
  • You may be eligible for applying for many visas at a given time and we help you to find the right visa for you. We explain to you clearly how many possible visas you may be eligible to apply for and why we think one visa option is better than another visa option.
  • We tell you the chances of your visa success based on our experience and estimated total cost so that you can make an informed decision.
  • We care about you. We provide personal and friendly service and go beyond your comfort zone to make visa success possible for you because we know how much it matters to you and your family as we have been there ourselves.