Visa Name : Sponsor Visas in Australia

Temporary Business Sponsorship (482 Visas)

This Visa allows companies based in Australia or abroad to sponsor employees or future employees for 2 or 4 years working visa depending on the occupation. The employee can bring his family members and dependents to Australia and all has full working rights. Companies in overseas also can send people overseas to establish their branch in Australia. Two years visa holders can renew the visa once from Astralia. Four year visa holders can apply for permanent residency after three years in this visa. There are three steps to apply for 482 visa:

  • Standard Business Sponsor (SBS) – any Australian business who wants to sponsor their employee under 482 visa needs to apply for sponsorship approval from the government to sponsor someone.
  • Nomination – once a business get approval to sponsor employee, the business than needs to show the genuine need of the position or person in the company. The business than need to apply for Nomination approval from the government for that.
  • Visa – once a business get both SBS and Nomination approval than they can apply for visa approval of the person who they want to sponsor.

This seems like a lengthy and exhausting process however, our expert will take all the time consuming and boring work out of you and will make it all seem easy and possible.

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

This is a permanent visa option where employer  operating in Australia can sponsor employee or future employee for this visa. The skill requirement in this visa is higher than 482 visa. There are two streams under this visa category:

  • Temporary Resident Transition (TRT) Stream – any applicant who is working under 482 four years visa category may be eligible to apply for this visa after being in 482 visa for three years.
  • Direct Entry (DE) Stream – This stream is for people with higher skill, experience and English level. Anyone who meets the requirement can directly apply for Australian Permanent residency if the company is ready to sponsor under this category.


Regional Sponsored Skilled Migration Scheme (RSMS)

This is also a Australian permanent resident visa and similar to ENS direct entry stream. However, the difference is that the company willing to sponsor must be operating in a specified regional area. Two streams under this category:

  • Temporary Resident Transition (TRT) Stream – any applicant who is working under 482 four years visa category may be eligible to apply for this visa after being in 482 visa for three years.
  • Direct Entry (DE) Stream – This stream is similar to ENS direct Entry but has lower skill requirement, wider availability of the occupation and businesses requirement to be eligible to sponsor are lower than ENS Direct Entry.



There are over 100 types of visas in Australia and you may be eligible for more than one visa in any given time. However, we help you to find the best visa for your specific circumstances:

  • We have counselled over 10,000 individuals from over 20 countries regarding Australian visa in last five years and our people are best in the industry.
  • We listen to you first and ask you as many questions as possible to have all information about you to assess the best visa types for you.
  • You may be eligible for applying many visas at a given time and we help you to find the right visa for you. We explain you clearly how many possible visas you may be eligible to apply and why we think one visa option is better over other visa option.
  • We tell you the chances of your visa success based on our experience and estimated total cost so that you can make informed decision.
  • We care about you. We provide personal and friendly service and go beyond comfort zone to make visa success possible for you because we know how much it matters to you and your family as we have been there ourselves.